NAD Ministerial Launches Mobile App for CALLED:
NAD Pastor's Convention


There’s an app for just about everything nowadays, and NAD Ministerial is excited to announce that CALLED: NAD Pastor's Convention has one too! Our mobile app will bring the experience at the CALLED Convention to a new level. Attendees will be able to see more, do more, and get more value out of the event—right from their mobile device.


Features of the app include:
•    The full event schedule sorted by day, speaker, and/or track, and the ability to rate the sessions directly on the app
•    Connect and exchange contact details with other attendees
•    Share your event experiences on Facebook and Twitter
•    Find session and exhibitor locations with maps of exhibit halls and session rooms
•    See details about all of the exhibitors and sponsors
•    Catch notifications about networking opportunities, contests, and other breaking event news pushed directly to your device

If you have an apple device (iphone, ipad) go to the apple app store and search for ‘CALLED, NAD Ministerial’. Click here for more information.

If you have an android device (phone or tablet) go to the google play store and search for
CALLED Ministerial Convention. Click here for more information.

Note: You will be redirected to the password protected virtual convention app.
Enter the Event Code pastor to gain access.

This app performs optimally whether or not there’s an Internet connection. When connected, the app downloads updates (like a schedule or room change). Once downloaded, all of the data is stored locally on the device so it’s accessible even if there’s no Wi-Fi.